Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Infamous Salem Witch Trials - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1095 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/05/21 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Salem Witch Trials Essay Did you like this example? When looking back at American history, there are many historic events that have either helped shape or change Americars future. However, one of the most memorable years has to be the year of 1692, for this was one of the most scandalous times that is famously remembered in history. This is best known as the infamous Salem Witch Trials. The Salem witch trials was a disastrous event in which certain people were either falsely or rightfully accused of practicing witchcraft and sentenced to be either hanged or sent to jail. Even though these trials took place in a number of cities within the Massachusetts Bay Colony, it was being primarily focused in the town of Salem between February 1692 and May 1693. These trials were by far the largest witchcraft hysteria in the history of Colonial America. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Infamous Salem Witch Trials" essay for you Create order The start of these trials began during the spring of 1692; a group of young girls in Salem began claiming that they have been possessed by the devil. All through the summer of 1692 the convictions mounted. The first hanging, of Bridget Bishop, took place on June 10, the next five, including Rebecca Nurse, on July 19. On August 19 five more, four of them men, were hanged (Brandt, 2014, p. 34â€Å"43). During these accusations, Mather began to defend the trials by ignoring the form of evidence based upon dreams and visions. This type of evidence is called Spectral evidence, Mather used this to convict those he believed were witches and began to become a main key in the trials of four of the five accused, unlike Bridget Bishoprs trial. The New Englanders are a people of god settled in those, which were once the Devilrs territories (Mather, 2017, p. 12). Shortly after, the court apparently overlooked Mathers warning about ignoring spectral evidence but took to heart his exhortation to c leanse the land, and the pace of the trials picked up (Hoffer, 1997). People felt the use of spectral evidence was unreliable because the Devil could take the form of an innocent person to do his evil deeds. With the girls displaying strange behaviors and showing symptoms of illness, more people in Salem began displaying the same signs of distress. Everyone became a suspect of witchcraft, and it was only a matter of time before someone accused them to be tried in court. Although most of the accused witches were women, some men were also accused. The Puritans began to fear whether or not they were to be punished and/or hanged. In his book The Salem Witchcraft Trials, author Peter Charles Hoffer describes this human fear as part of the frailty of human nature. Whether it was the fear of disobeying God or hysteria that motivated these trials to take place, the accusations did not stop anytime soon. As time went on and the number of accused continued to grow, several people became upset with the trials. Many risked their own safety by starting petitions on behalf of the imprisoned (Loiselle, 2017, p. 5). During this time period, religion was the primary focus and way of life within small colonies. In this case, those in Salem mainly followed the Puritan way of life. Puritans began to define witchcraft as associating with the devil in exchange for certain powers in order to perform such cruel acts against others. During this time, witchcraft was considered both a sin and crime because it denied Godrs own superiority and brought physical harm to others. The Puritans began to feel that these events were happening because God was punishing them for the hangings of innocent people. The fear of being punished established a tense atmosphere and enforced the idea that anything involved with witchcraft was interpreted as an act of Gods wrath. Using their own belief and fear, they wanted to make sure that every last witch were to be exposed and punished in order to end the wrath of God. By the end of May 1692, around 200 people were jailed and charged with witchcraft. Shortly after accusing hundreds of people, some Puritans actually started to wonder whether or not the girls were being truthful or just trying to be spiteful towards their enemies. It also ended when people noticed that fewer people were confessing and more people were hanging. The Salem witch hunt and trials finally ended when people began to notice that people were being accused of witchcraft even when they had no evidence. The aftermath of the Salem witch trials was severe:141 people imprisoned, 19 people executed, and two more died from other causes. After months of doing these trials, the governor finally decided to put an end to the trials in May of 1693. The trials were declared unlawful and Massachusetts formally apologized for the trials. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging. It was a tragic event that took place. This time period was unique for New England because of the number of terrible things that were occurring around the same time of these trials. Historically, there had never been a witch hunt of that intensity or size in America. After the trials took place, ideas about justice started to change after the trial. Spectral evidence was no longer accepted in court and the American idea that someone is innocent until proven guilty appeared. Salem faced a major change as a result of the Puritan ambition. Because of their thought on the ideal community as a straitlaced society, those who portrayed an imperfect model were to be isolated. It has been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations, and lapses in due processes. The painful legacy of the Salem witch trials would endure for centuries. Hundreds of people were accused of being witches and the pastors of the local churches began to have their own trials in order to determine who was and who wasnt a witch. Salem executed the most people for being witches. Although the Salem trials were not the last, because of the Massachusetts authorities actions in discovering, acknowledging, and disowning their errors, the Salem experience helped to end witchcraft trials in Western civilization (Billings Manning, 2006). The question of what specifically caused these trials has been asked for over several decades. Although it is a simple question, the answer is difficult to answer because there are numerous factors that helped build and influence the trials. The main factors consisted of politics, religion, enemies, family feuds, and the fear of witchcraft. We may never know the cause of the Salem Witch Trials, but that will not stop scholars from evolving theories.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Classical Conditioning On Operant Conditioning

Abstract Reinstatement is a phenomenon that describes the return of an extinguished response following presentation of the US in classical conditioning (Bouton Nelson, 1998). This phenomenon is dependent upon experimental context, as context promotes an association between the CS and US (Bouton, 2004). A lever pressing response was trained in rats to study the context-dependency of extinction and reinstatement in operant conditioning. The current study demonstrates that reinstatement occurs in operant conditioning, and remains context dependent, as reinstatement only occurred when subjects were presented with a reinforcer following extinction and were kept in the same context for all experimental phases. Reinstatement of an Extinguished Response is Context-Dependent in Operant Conditioning Learning processes by which stimulus-specific behaviours are developed have been studied in great depth in recent psychological literature. One such process is that of classical conditioning; the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus (US) e.g. food, with a conditioned stimulus (CS) e.g. a tone, that will elicit a response (UR), e.g. salivation. Following repeated simultaneous exposure to the CS and US, the subject will eventually exhibit a response (CR) in the presence of the CS alone (Bouton Nelson, 1998). However, the behaviours learned during classical conditioning can be removed in the extinction phenomenon; withdrawal of the US, so that a response to the CS is noShow MoreRelatedPavlov s Classical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning1172 Words   |  5 PagesPavlov’s Classical Conditioning vs. B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Bhavika D. Patel Atlantic Community College Abstract Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner both studied learning, in which they both did different experiments on different animals and with different conditioning. 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Contemporary Labour System Trends-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary labour system trends for different Countries. Answer: Introduction Negative customer reviews reflects badly on any contemporary brand. Modern labour laws explain the reason for tightening and loosening labor market trends(O'C'onnor, 2017). Nandos as a multinational with branches across the globe needs to be aware of different contemporary practices such as online customer reviews, which affect brands. It is fruitless for Nandos Qatar to mobilize its workforce for strategic performance yet fail to respect employees rights(Nandos, 2015). Management practices across the globe reveal different strategies that focus on attracting competent skills as well as retaining them. Global organizations with operations in cross-cultural locations experience challenges of sending employees to foreign countries for work due to poor government laws. Top-notch professionals prefer to work in competent organizations because of the benefits offered. Such work environments have job security and competent salaries as well as non-monetary benefits like professional develop ment. Government policies also influence the implementation of competent strategies. The adoption of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) integrates different elements in the development of a competent workforce. This discussion shows how competitors in the market obtain different results when operating in the markets. The result is different because employee factors determine success and failures of organizations (Cummings Christopher, 2014, p. 265). Talent planning in different countries Research shows that the cost of hiring new employees is high and that such employees often deliver less than expected(CIPD., 2017). Mc Donald Qatar has an organizational culture that fosters the personal and professional progress of its employees. Employee review indicates favorable working terms, pay and benefits(Indeed, 2017). This lower constraint of importing workers from its headquarters and foreign employees are happy to work at this McDonald Branch. Designed for the 21st Century, these competencies makes employees part of the team and they are happy to serve customers. Among the unique competencies that a professional in a global environment needs are cross cultural communication, IT and problem solving skills (Davidson, et al., 2012). McDonalds hires the best in academic, professional and personal training. In the same location, Nandos Qatar receives negative reviews because of its employment policies(Glassdoor, 2015). As a result, it loses employees every now and then. The brand needs to find ways of retaining its workers using the most effective tools, techniques and practices. Workers from within Qatar and outside look for growth opportunities. Contemporary management practices include improved: Recruitment Selection Planning Staff retention Training Succession planning Retirement Job dismissal among others Contemporary Labour Trends across countries The contemporary labour market supports the recruitment of talent through digital platforms like websites and social media(Ledermaier, et al., 2013). McDonald maximizes on social media portals such as LinkedIn for networking and finding the right talent for specific tasks. The presence of numerous jobs for the US is an indication of favorable labour laws in the country(McDonalds Corporation, 2017). Niche training saves on unnecessary costs and its returns are higher. Different organizations and countries concentrate on the development of human capital. In the case of Nandos Qatar, the National laws influence business operations. Qatar has been in the limelight for the unfair treatment of foreign employees(Aljazeera, 2016). Its labour ministry agrees with human rights organizations that there is need for reforms. The management at Nandos needs to be aware of new laws that allow employees to enjoy both tangible and non-tangible benefits such as free professional training, medical care, retirement benefits, and vacations. Organizational development starts with a plan to change(Cummings Christopher, 2014, p. 28). SHRM contributes to the development of the employees interpersonal, intrapersonal and professional skills. Resource and talent planning in the UK explains the success in the industry as organizations maximize on employee retention as a strategy for organizational development(Allen, 2017). As a result, Nandos UK shows better performance than Nandos Qatar(Wallop, 2015). An analysis of the differences shows that national and regional laws influence HRM strategies. McDonalds is a key player in the industry hence it appreciates this diversity in employees as much as it does of clients. As a result, its US branch shows success in all regions including Qatar. Blending the corporate culture with the national culture helps organizations to develop values that shape self-identity in individuals. Multinationals in the service industry show brands with a global presence in different parts of the globe(SHRM, 2017). Tightening and loosening the Labour Market Many global organizations face the challenge of attracting the right talent(PWC, 2014) Niche training compliments target marketing in the McDonalds case because it focuses on specific abilities of employees. Sometimes a brand recognizes the futility of training employees only for them to leave without the organization feeling the impact of the training. Tightening the labour market also affects recruitment because business organizations have a difficult time recruiting. The market shows drops in unemployment and organizations strive to pay employee more in order to retain them. This is the case with developed nations like the UK and US(Bank of England, 2016). This is different from an economy such as China where loosening the market forces led to an influx of foreign workers and MNC brands(Wong, 2016). Brands like Qatar Airway strive to recruit more skills within and outside its region. The brand is aware that most employees change jobs in search of greener pastures. Better pay, grea ter benefits, opportunities for growth, flexibility, and job security are some motivating factors(Qatarairways, 2017). The government has a role to play in this effect. In the UK, the government places restrictions in labor market processes such as hiring and firing(The Economist, 2017). When there are reports that Nandos Qatar mistreats its employees, its competitors like Time out Takes advantage of this(Timeoutdoha, 2016). However, the capitalist nature of the business market is highly monetarized leading to dissatisfaction of the workers as seen in the U.S markets. When employees find motivation in money instead of personal development, business ethics is at stake(Tyson, 2014). Loosening and tightening the employment market influences changes in the labor market. The emphasis on key performance expectations and responsibilities adds value to the UK market for a surplus of skills. This leads to a loose market with flexible recruitment and retention capacities. Most jobs today require professional skills since employers are reluctant to spend time and money training new recruits. On the job, experience is a critical success ingredient for professional jobs. However, the employer may also require additional training as a form of branding for business excellence(Breaugh, 2017). In a tight labor market scenario, there is a deficiency of skills. Competency based selection in this case may require specific capabilities and employees do not have the freedom to choose working conditions. Recent reforms in Qatars Kafala laws is a relief for foreign workers who can now leave at will(AFP, 2016). In the UK numeracy and literacy, based exams encourage competency in general abilities. Personality or aptitude testing, teamwork and problem solving skills are also important. Some companies also have online interviews but technical jobs require a demonstration of practical skills. Modern technology gives cross border organization a chance to use videoconferencing facilities for interviews(Ward Peppard, 2016, p. 39). Besides the face-to-face interviews, the telephone interview is also an ideal tool for checking communication efficiency. Government laws influence approaches adopted by recruitment partners, learning institutions, private sector (business organizations), government institutions, and professional bodies(CIPD., 2017). In Qatar, outsourcing is a new employee has become popular especially for the skilled workforce. Foreign workers from regions like Africa flock Qatar in order to offer skilled labour as well as professional services. In this case, Qatar organizations use recruitment firms to advertise for vacancies in their host countries. The UK also allows employment agencies but there are restrictions for any violations of the laws with up to 10 years jail terms (Lawrite, 2017). Strengths and Weaknesses of Talent Retention An organization becomes an employer of choice because it attracts the best professionals with its financial opportunities(Marescaux, et al., 2012). This explains why employees trained in the hospitality would rather work for Qatar Airways than Nandos. In order for any organization to achieve the objective of job satisfaction, it needs to use proven approaches to employee motivation and job performance. These include performance reviews designed using psychosocial theories of motivation and employee behavior(Marescaux, et al., 2012). Different stakeholders contribute to the creation of a conducive work environment. In the UK, the government participates in the creation of policies by preventing illegal immigrants and encouraging favorable labor laws(Home Office, 2016). Some employees are reluctant to work in foreign countries because of unfair and politicized laws. The market place competition determines whether Nandos will incorporate medical benefits as a tactic to entice foreign workers. The CIPD (2015) highlights ways in which employers can improve their brand. Qatar Airways uses its website to improve the brand elements. This digital communication portal is favorable for prospecting employees job search. Employee experience is also an important motivational factor because new workers rely on word of mouth information. The government needs favorable laws that encourage organizations to develop strategies through value proposition, reviews, and CSR practices for better brand reputation. Diversity and inclusion gives multinationals respect as workers seek for exposure. Therefore, the work pra ctices, organizations image and market place perception are critical. Challenges in managing recruitment include failure to get the required skills in the host country. This forces a multinational organization to send its workers into foreign countries as expatriates. Governments in developed countries have adopted a liberalized approach to the management of labor. This is favorable for globalization and privatization(Armstrong, 2014, p. 309). Intervention helps to reduce the cost of training new employees and importing employees. Qatar policy that stops employees from joining competitors reduces competitors wars(Pathak, S;, 2017). Globally, finding a reliable and trusted recruitment agency is a challenge because the hiring firm has different objectives from the one recruiting(Economist, 2015). Globally recognized agencies like McKinsey have a reputation for providing quality cross-cultural services using modern talent strategies. Strengths and Weaknesses of Labour Market Competitors Data based research helps to determine the existing gap in the organization (Smith, 2012). As part of best practice, modern organizations follow the market trends. Strategies used by some brands may not succeed in other. McDonalds uses technology tools for training in order to reduce on costs. Nandos Qatar faces challenges of providing interesting job assignments to inspire employees therefore it finds ways to targeting the right workers for the right positions through relevant jobs. In essence, the job specifics need to have a demographic profile showing different levels of talents across its workforce. The government has a responsibility of ensuring that all business organizations offer equal opportunities(CIPD, 2015). Niche Targeting Good job metrics identify gaps and obstacles in an organization before initiating the strategies. The UK government undertakes surveys in order to create a skill balance(Deighton, 2017). Niche targets used by McDonalds Qatar stands out from Nandos Qatar because it seeks the appropriate skills. The management has to put in place mechanisms, which create change in structures as well as employees abilities. The implementation of a clearly defined plan involves benchmarking strategies for progressive acquisition of skills that the organization requires(Thunnnisen, et al., 2013). Consulting organizations such as Price Water House Coopers carry out interviews in universities in order to tap into intelligent and gifted learners. Niche targeting helps brands to recruit through resourceful information for the job market (PWC, 2017). The deficiency of domestic workers in Qatar led to its governments plan to outsource from developing countries(NATFLEX, 1962). Appraisal, deployment and downsizing Qatar Airways makes use of performance appraisal to give feedback on employee performance(CIPD., 2017). This is a good way to involve the employee in organizational goals and plans and it has confidentiality. Some organizations may use alternatives like the 360-degree feedback, which encourages team members to approve or disapprove their workmates professionalism. However, there are challenges with this tool because it is subject to misuse, and may not give substantial information for constructive development(Jackson, 2012). Progress reports also helps the organization to understand the strengths and weaknesses as well as the available opportunities for growth. A good working environment encourages good interpersonal relationships and teamwork. Some organizations in Qatar value and consider personality and skill abilities instead of hiring any workers(Bollier, 2014). Giving equal opportunities prevents discrimination. Globally successful organizations have lost their public image due to unfairness in the workforce. Among the malpractices are racial and gender discrimination. Effective placement of employees in the right jobs motivates the team because they get good leadership and talent. It should also focus on skill balance so that the team members strengthen each other. In the event of a retrenchment, the implementation of proper procedures is necessary in order to prevent legal battles(ILO, 2016). Employment Termination Downsizing is necessary if the organization plans to deal with redundancies and financial crisis in economic recession. Global companies like Goldman Sachs face financial crisis which hiders the profitability(Gandel, 2016). However, it calls for strategies in order to target the right size and skills to reduce. Employment termination should be within the required procedure. There are national and ILO laws on dismissal, redundancy, and retirement. For example, the UK laws recommend negotiation as a solution for redundancy and prior notice termination of employment(The Economist, 2017). However, questions arise when an organization cites lack of funds during downsizing yet it increases the salaries of other workers. Competence and technical skills add value to the organization especially in decision-making processes(Ward Peppard, 2016, p. 359). Competent organizations focus on people, the right attitude, motivation and professional qualifications. When the staff turnover is higher than it should be, the company needs to redirect some resources towards retaining the employees. Reducing this staff turnover starts with identifying the reason for staff leaving. This will determine the adoption of a solution to improve the situation. Retirement should also be lawful and employees deserve their compensation. Organizations that release employees from work respectfully give new and existing workers the motivation to become part of the team(Simon, 2014). In order to maximizing employee retention, the HR manager needs to understand the market trends such as adding value to employees. Developing nations like Africa have constantly complained of brain drain but organizations in developed nations understand how to attract these professionals. Qualified employees look for job opportunities overseas because of the career opportunities available. An employee retention plan includes effective management practices. In a case where Nandos Qatar employees complain of unfairness, the government needs a new approach to supervision, improved working conditions and reward systems. In such cases, psychological contract gives HR a human face(Cassar, et al., 2015). Alternatives to redundancy In Qatar, there are legal requirements about good practice. The national laws concur with the International Labour laws on employee rights, benefits and work contracts. These laws also encourage employees to perform their duties because basic salary pay corresponds to the fulfilment of duties(Socialite, 2013). Chapter 4 of the ILO National Laws on labour, Social security and Related Human Rights (NATFLEX) explains more on the end of service compensation, which should cover the cost of living allowance for short-term employees and full rewards for long-term workers(NATFLEX, 1962). Both the UK and Qatar hospitality industries have laws governing contracts and permanent employment for foreign workers. Signing a contract provides legal proof of the agreement in case of a breach of contract. It is important that the organization consider the renewal of a contract in order to avoid exploiting the worker. There have been issues about certain controversial laws such as change of employer, which have led to reforms(Bollier, 2014). Working groups comprise of the aged employees and they need flexible terms that value their effort. In some cases, older employees could offer their services as part time workers or on short term. This is the flexible plan and it reduces the feeling of worthlessness in the retirement period. It is unfair to penalize employees retirement benefits. When employees choose to retire gradually, the phased retirement plan is applicable. Global organizations have adopted flexible approaches to retirement as SHRM. This allows employees to withdraw their pension plans and benefits when they are still strong. In the U.K, this gives a solution to economic redundancy because it allows the worker to make alternative investments in advance(Feldman Terry, 2011). The phased retirement is a tactic that enables the organization to retain employee skills and knowledge. Making the employee aware of such plans influences them to plan their lives effectively. Some of the challenges faced by developed countries like the UK involves limitations in alternative retirement options for younger employees who may have an interest in early retirement(Population Patterns, 2016). Improper planning, resource challenges and lack of cooperation from employees hinders the effective implementation of these approaches. Despite these suggestions, retirement patterns determine the trend in a country. Complaints about employees choosing to delay retirement are common all over the world. As a result, many employers are at a dilemma. The phased and flexible retirement packages help to bridge this gap(Sanicola, 2016). Role of government, trade unions and employers The development of human capital is a national agenda involving employees and labour unions as stakeholders. The government creates an environment that facilitates for the development of talent capacities. It provides resources for learning within the institutions and a system of evaluating the employees. It also ensures compliance to regulations that fosters learning and professional development(Agarwal Green, 2011). The government also carries out surveys on the impact of learning that the government. The role of trade union keeps changing to show partnership between the government, employees and union. Collective agreement in contemporary organization has a legal bearing that gives unionized workers an upper hand in contract negotiations, health and safety issues, as well as pay packages(Barrientos, 2013). These have led to reforms in different industries. Employers make the necessary contributions to the union and they have a role of cooperating in the implementation of union ag reements(Laonnou Serafeim, 2012). Conclusion Loosening and tightening the market affects organizations talent development plans. The secret behind the success of contemporary global organizations is Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). These are policies, practices and approaches that give an organization a human face. Effective strategies in the management of employees enhances performance. Resourcing and talent management covers a significant part of SHRM. It gives ideals for proper recruitment procedures and it offers suggestions on how an organization can retain its staff. However, organizational strategies succeed in an environment where there is government support. Organizations, which are keen on market trends, adopt smart tactics based on government strategies like loosening and tightening the markets. In the developed nations like the UK, mistreating workers is unethical and it destroys the brand image. Making relevant changes in policies and practices streamlines the organization for a better outlook. Investing in the employee through target or niche ensures that employees with the relevant skills are in the right position. A good recruitment plan needs to consider contemporary changes like technology use, succession plans, as well as legal procedures in an environment. This provides risk management options to avert any impending legal crisis. It is important to remember that organizational policies are subject to scrutiny by the government therefore a HR manager needs to make plans in line with the legal stipulations. Paying attention to regulations regarding termination of employment saves organizations from legal suits worth millions by trade unions References AFP, 2016. Reform of Qatar labour law to kick in Dec 2016. Gulf Times, 25 December. Agarwal, R. Green, R., 2011. The role of education and skills in Australian management practice and Productivity. 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